Do residential carpet cleaning services vacuum first?

Residential carpet cleaning services near Eugene always start by vacuuming the carpets before proceeding with any other cleaning method. Vacuuming is an essential step in the carpet cleaning process and serves several purposes.

Ways to Clean Home Carpets

  • Vacuuming helps to remove any loose dirt, dust, and debris from the surface of the carpet. This helps to prevent any further spread of dirt and ensures that the carpet is free from any surface contaminants before the cleaning process starts.
  • Vacuuming helps to remove any pet hair and dander, which can cause allergies in some people. It is essential to remove these allergens to ensure that the carpet is clean and safe for use.
  • Vacuuming helps to remove any dead skin cells, which can attract dust mites and other pests. Vacuuming helps to reduce the number of dust mites in the carpet and keeps it free from any infestations.


Residential carpet cleaning services near Eugene always start by vacuuming the carpets. This step is crucial in ensuring that the carpets are clean and free from any dirt, dust, pet hair, dander, and other contaminants. Vacuuming helps to create a clean and safe environment for people and pets.


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